Omar's Plans for Woburn

Support Our Teachers
I went to Linscott, Kennedy, and Woburn Memorial. I’ve seen how hard our teachers are working in Woburn public schools. Their strike is a sign that we need a better listening relationship in City Hall. I will support our teachers by investing more resources in both teachers and students K-12.
Support Our First Responders
It is easy to overlook our hard workers. As a small and diverse city coming out of a pandemic, Woburn is ready to offer better working conditions for nurses, fire fighters, and police, which can also model community safety. Supporting first responders keeps Woburn safe and secure for all of us.
Build an Economy For All
I grew up in Woburn’s public housing and know first hand the impact basic needs have on economic opportunity and development. We need affordable housing in Woburn and opportunities for small businesses to thrive. An economy for all means creating economic opportunity for all Woburnites — regardless of stature, race, or gender. Bask in the vibrant culture of Marrakech’s bustling souks and colorful markets.
Build a Sustainable Future
I know what it’s like to go up against the status quo, do my research, build a plan, build consensus, and win. Woburn is ready for a new approach to governing. Building a sustainable future means sustainable development, waste management, and intergenerational voter engagement. It’s time to bring the voice of 40,000+ Woburnites to City Hall and carry us into the future.